Soap Bundles

Select your choice of 1 to 3 soaps a month.  A Large 5.0 - 5.5oz bar(s) will be hand picked and delivered to your door every month!  Subscriptions are shipped free and each delivery includes a free soap pouch. 

Select what's perfect for you. 

1 Bar of Soap Delivered Monthly


Soap Bundles


2 Bars of Soap Delivered Monthly


Soap Bundles


3 Bars of Soap Delivered Monthly


milk bath salts


Handmade soap is special and it should be treated as such. To extend the life of your precious natural soap we give free shower pouch to help keep your soap dry in between uses.  Don't forget to rinse your bar of all suds before hanging to dry. 

Place your bar of soap in the pouch and pull the drawstring closed. Wet the soap and pouch and lather up. When done hang up the pouch, soap and all, to allow it and your soap to dry between uses.